Tim White general contractor, painter, writer, and musician based in Sacramento.

Marie’s Donuts

18×24 oil on linen

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I don’t Like art.

I think something is wrong with me. I don’t like art. I know that’s like saying someone doesn’t like pizza, but as I have spent the better part of my life trying to explore what art is and what it means, I feel further disconnected…

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“Happy Fuck Mississippi Day!” was the text that Ed sent to Tony, Scott, and myself today. I breathed a big sigh. It’s been so long, but what a time… As I get older, I am less prone to speak ill of a whole community. There…

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Robert Olsen at UC Davis

Robert Olsen at UC Davis

  Robert Olsen was a badass. Smart, humble, dedicated, skilled, and just damn nice. I met Robert in my first painting class at UC Davis in the mid 1990s. All of us were typical art kids – passionate, naïve and unfocused. Robert was different. He…

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I died two years ago. That’s the easiest way to describe what happened. Being alive and sharing Thanksgiving with loved ones is more special now than it’s ever been. That simple. Middle of September 2013, on a Wednesday, working as a General Contractor, I started…

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New Website

New Website

Creating a website is a strange process. I can honestly say that I’m old enough to have spent a lot of my life without a computer, and seemingly got along just fine without one; either that or it makes a good excuse for not actively…

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